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Facing hurdles in design or sketching? As a student, do you grapple with balancing schoolwork and creative pursuits? This blog provides in-depth, tailored advice, directly tackling issues in design, sketching, and academic management. It's a place where you may find the necessary support and guidance to overcome these challenges. (Copyright © 2007-2024 Daniel Lim) Feel free to share the topics you're eager to explore in this blog. Additionally, if my content has inspired or aided you, I'd love to hear about it. Your feedback is invaluable. Follow me on Facebook for more updates:

28 June 2014

Drafting a 'Design & Make' Lesson for Lower Secondary D&T

A glimps of my work-in-progress and the way I think and plan my work.

(Draft) and designing a 10 week Design & Technology lesson for a brand new class for a brand new semester. 

Tasked to teach a class of Secondary Two Normal (Academic) - 14 year old kids for the coming semester. 

Students will be attempting to design and make a Smart Phone Holder in the context of a suitable souvenir for the Singapore Zoological Gardens. 

The basic structure for the holder will be similar for all students but one can expect lots of animal shaped inspired designs. It will be a very tight 10 session or less.  Hope it will turn out ok. 

Since this is posted, feel free to try it out or use it for yourself if you wish but don't forget to drop me a courtesy note if you do.

08 May 2014

To Make Progress you Need a Focused Mind to Look Out

Keep your eyes open and your mind focused on looking out for things and issues related to your theme and you'll automatically find. It's the same with the subsequence progress of your coursework. If you keep your mind focus and thinks about it often, you will get somewhere naturally. 

Anyways this voucher from Manhattan Fish Market above was found in my mailbox today. I browsed through the pages and liked the 1-for-1 deals. However it's the inner first page that caught my attention more than the rest. 

It's about observation and identifying a critical issue of how many family (or friends) behave in meal outings whose hands could not stay away from their phones. 

What's a gathering for if everyone is so glued to their smartphones. It's a nice piece of solution they have there. A fun way to encourage  family interaction rather than each staring into their smartphones. An entertaining way to keep hands off the devices and start having real family time. To top it off, the value-adding catch comes with an incentive to be rewarded with a SG$5 return dining voucher. But with one simple condition.  The box must remained untouched where all the phones will be kept in throughout the meal. Though it's a strategy to bring customers back again, it has nevertheless tackled an important issue about what family time should have been.

05 May 2014

Idea Generation, Refinement and Development

"How to do Idea Generation? How to do Design Development?" These are some of the most commonly asked questions other than the general 'What to do?'.

It is simple actually. For the both of them, focus on getting the functionalities right first. i.e. get your product to work first. By generating and introducing lots of interesting concepts for it to work. Refine and evolve them until you get the best solution. You get instructions for Idea Generation and Development from your list of Design Specification that speaks about the requirements for the project. Build models if you need to test assumptions on how certain features should work. For each of your proposals, take time to evaluate them in terms of practicality and usability w.r.t. the target user you have in mind.  Practicality can be in terms of whether it could be feasilbly made in the school workshop or if you have the skills to make it. More importantly if the target user or if you yourself will use it (in public). Will it be awkward to use? WIll it be complicated to operate? etc. If so think about how it can be simplified in the next few sketches.

Once that is done, you can further simplify your concept - work on simplifying jointing methods. If a change of material can fasten the making process and still function just as good, change it. Work on shapes and forms for enhanced aesthetics and appeal factor.  Decide on the number of parts and dimension them. Don't forget ergonomics and safety. Development for easy maintenance and durability can take the form of material choices and jointing methods.

Always make sure the functions can work first at the idea generation stage. And work on the details in the development stage. Solving every problem you can anticipate. Then develop on everything else in any order. And you'll still end up a decent project.

It will be a big mistake if you work your sequence backwards then work out how to make it work with materials and tools already in your hands in the workshop. This is the consequence of not sufficiently developing the idea and start making for who knows why. And then realised there are lots of mistakes and/or end up solving problems along the way.

Last tip - Work on your idea/concept one feature at a time. One joint at the time. You can only do one thing at a time. And soon you will be ready to combine all these individual decision along the way into one. And there you end up a complete product. Knowing exactly how you will make it.

Once you reach this state, go ahead to plan your Production Schedule. Get your working drawings up. And your Presentation Drawing to have a feel of how your project might be like in the real context. Next, go peacefully and make your product come to life.

P.S. Do not take my sharing as a definite prescription on how you should complete Idea Generation and Development. Take it as a reference and a guide. Think through and be convinced about the steps and sequence I mention. Make your own plan. And then ... DO.

Mr Daniel Lim

03 May 2014

Knowing that you have arrived at Design Development

When you start to look at the individual parts and connections, on details and confirming best choice materials and jointing methods, on optimum sizes and drawing out dimensions accurately, at the same time refining ergonomics, shapes, forms and colors to achieve maximum beauty and usability, you know, that you have arrived at the design refinement and development stage.