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14 February 2019

"Sorry Mr xxx, I have not completed xxx"

Recently I had been dealing with this particular question a lot:

"Sorry Mr Daniel, I have not completed xxx".

And so I go through the same old advises about how work is never finished. And if it's a matter of not purposefully finding time to complete the tasks at home, then "Start Today".

I recalled my responses and came to three main points which I'll share in the following:

(1) Habit of Iteration
You see, the (D&T) coursework, is a time-bound project with an on-going task which begins the moment you get your coursework 'Theme' or 'Design Brief' and ends by the deadline given to you. 

There is no limit imposed on the number of times you can 're-work' / evaluate and make improvements to any components in your journal. Technically that means, you can never 'finish' your work. But you can work on it again and again, till you get the results and quality you want.

So get into the Habit of Iteration.

(2) "T&M" of S.M.A.R.T. Goal
That being said. You cannot be iterating or re-working your work forever. There got to be a time set where you tell yourself 'It is enough. I've done enough iterations within the time I've set aside, for the best quality work I can produce."

When you set side 'Time', say 30 mins or 1 hour or 2 hours, to complete your D&T tasks, then use that time diligently. Set for yourself 'Measurable' goal(s) so you can 'check' for yourself if you have arrived at your objectives. 

What happens if you 'finish' your set / planned task before the time is up? 
Answer: Go back to point (1).

(3) Deliberately and Purposefully finding Time
"I have no time". "I don't have enough time". "I have tuition". "I need to complete subject (s) xxx". The last point is probably the most frustrating reason a student can give - that a teacher can get.  

You chose the subject 'D&T' not to make it a 'back seat' subject. Find time if you do not have. Create time if you do not have. Deliberately make time - refer to point (2) about setting aside time.

Make every subject of equal importance to do well. Some may require more (or less) time than the other. Learn how to apportion time for different subject within the 'free time' after school. 

You will never finish / complete your D&T coursework. You will finish / complete your coursework only when you have officially submitted your work. 

Practice the following two points:

  • Always find time
  • Always iterate, evaluate and improve on your work 
  • Always be diligent and focus within the time you have set.