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02 October 2024

Setting a Design Direction: Avoid Redundant Work and Maximize Efficiency

When designing a product, the most critical factors are the concept, functionality, and whether it solves the intended problem. 

If the product is also attractive and reasonably priced, it could become highly desirable and even profitable. 

To turn a design idea into a working prototype efficiently, good time management is essential—as the saying goes, "Time is money."

Design revisions and product iterations are inevitable, but it's crucial to minimize unnecessary mistakes and revisions. 

This post will guide you in focusing early on your target audience, design concept, and overall aesthetics without wasting time on irrelevant ideas and unnecessary decision-making.

Step 1: Define Your Target Audience and Location

Determine who your target audience is and where your product will be used. 

These factors directly influence the design concept, style, material selection, textures, shapes, colors, and safety features. 

Keeping your target audience and environment in mind throughout the process will help you focus on the most relevant research and design choices. 

This ensures that your design decisions are well-informed and practical.

Step 2: Identify Whether You’re Solving a Problem or Tackling a Design Challenge

Is your task solving a "problem" or addressing a "design challenge"?

  • Problem (Need): A solution to a genuine issue or necessity.
  • Design Challenge (Want/Luxury): An opportunity to innovate or create something that isn’t essential but enhances an experience or adds value.

Being clear on this distinction is crucial. The process of designing a luxury item will differ significantly from solving a functional problem. 

For instance, creating a playful watering can for a 5-year-old involves a different approach than designing a luxury home appliance. 

This step ensures you're engaging the most appropriate design methods from the beginning.

Step 3: Decide on the Desired Product Outcome

Choose the emotional and functional appeal of your product:

  • Fun
  • Clever
  • Innovative
  • Minimalist
  • Functional
  • Cool
  • A combination of attributes

This step narrows your design vision to a specific outcome. 

For example, if your product is intended to be "fun," all design choices should center around this theme. If a combination of attributes is chosen, such as "clever and minimalist," every design decision should align with both concepts.

Step 4: Ideate and Develop

Once you’ve set the direction, write down the following key markers in your design sheet:

  1. Target Audience
  2. Location
  3. Problem or Design Challenge
  4. Need, Want, or Luxury
  5. Desired Outcome (Fun, Clever, Minimalist, etc.)

Stick to these markers throughout ideation, modeling, development, and prototyping. 

Stay focused on these core elements to avoid wasting time on unnecessary ideas or features that don't align with your design direction. 

This approach will help you move efficiently from concept to prototype while ensuring a high-quality product that meets its intended purpose.


Setting a clear design direction from the beginning is key to producing a successful product. By defining your target audience, clarifying whether you're solving a problem or addressing a design challenge, and focusing on specific emotional and functional outcomes, you can streamline your design process and avoid unnecessary revisions. 

Use this guide to keep your efforts focused and efficient, leading to better designs with fewer setbacks.

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01 October 2024

Start Solving Any Problem with Any Entry Point

Getting started is often the hardest part. 

We’ve all felt the pressure of staring at a blank page, unsure of where to begin our design journal or project. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that every design process must start from the beginning—the so-called “proper” way to do things. But that’s not always necessary. 

The truth is, you can start solving a problem from any entry point. Whether it’s halfway through the process or after you've identified a small piece of the puzzle, what matters is obtaining the context and information needed to get moving. This post will help you break through the hesitation and give you the steps to jump right in and make progress—no matter where you are in the process.

Broad Points Overview:

  1. Identify the Intention
  2. Identify the “Who,” “What,” and “Where”
  3. Ask the “Five Whys” to Find the Root Cause
  4. Verify the “Why”—Identify the Circle of Influence
  5. Move Forward with Confidence


1. Identify the Intention

Start by clarifying your intention. This can be anything from solving a common problem, like "I often lose my keys," to creating something completely new, like "I want to design an innovative pencil holder." Knowing exactly what you want to achieve helps narrow your focus.

  • Example: Let’s say your intention is to organize your workspace. Your statement could be, “I want a system that keeps my desk tidy.”

2. Identify the “Who,” “What,” and “Where”

Next, establish the context. Ask yourself: Who will use this solution? What is the specific problem or need? Where will this solution be applied? Understanding these elements provides the full picture, ensuring you don’t miss key details.

  • Example: For your tidy desk system, the “who” might be yourself or people who share your workspace, the “what” could be reducing clutter, and the “where” would be your desk area.

3. Ask the “Five Whys” to Find the Root Cause

Dig deeper by asking why the problem exists. The Five Whys method helps you uncover the root cause of the issue rather than just treating its symptoms. This step is critical to ensure you're solving the right problem.

  • Example: If your desk is always messy, ask why five times. You might find that the root cause isn’t the lack of storage, but the habit of not putting things back where they belong.

4. Verify the “Why”—Identify the Circle of Influence

Check if the problem resonates with others. Understanding the scale of the problem and whether it affects a larger group helps validate your idea. This step helps you gauge the potential impact of your solution.

  • Example: If you’re designing the desk system only for yourself, ask whether others in your household or office would benefit too. If the solution only works for you, it might have limited appeal.

5. Move Forward with Confidence

Once you have clarity and validation, it's time to act. Share your solution or problem with others for feedback. If everyone agrees that it’s worth pursuing, you’re on the right track. Now, go ahead and dive in with confidence, knowing that you’re solving a real, validated problem.

  • Example: After verifying the need for a desk organizer, you design a prototype and share it with your colleagues. Their feedback helps you refine the design, ensuring that the final product meets broader needs.


In design, it’s easy to feel pressured to start from the beginning, but the truth is, you can start anywhere. When you can jump in from any entry point and still move forward, you become more adaptive, innovative, and resilient. 

Follow these principles, and you'll be ahead of the game, ready to tackle any design challenge with confidence and purpose.

#DesignAndTechnology #ProblemSolving #DesignThinking #CreativeProcess #DesignTips #Innovation #DTEducation #FiveWhys #DesignSolutions #IndependentLearning #DTEducators

30 September 2024

Getting “Unstuck”: A Simple Way to Keep Moving Forward in Design & Technology

We’ve all been there—staring at our work, unsure of what to do next, frustrated by the feeling of being stuck. 

Whether it’s a design that doesn’t seem to work, a question that you can’t answer, or just not knowing how to proceed, the mental block can feel overwhelming. 

But here’s the good news: being stuck is temporary. The solution is simpler than you think. 

It’s about taking action, and when you do, you’ll not only break free from that stuck state but also gain confidence in your ability to keep moving forward.

What to Do When You are “Stuck”

1. If you find yourself stuck, write the statement or question that’s in your head on the paper.

2. If it’s a statement, rephrase it as a question starting with ‘Why’.

3. Read the question and find the answer.

This way, you act. Immediately, you are unstuck.

Remember: By becoming angry, blaming yourself for not knowing, showing anxiety, or worrying about your stuck state, you remain stuck.


1. Starting with a Question:

Question: “What do I do next?”

Action: Write it down. Break it into smaller steps: “What are the last few things I did?” and “What options do I have to move forward?” 

This assessment will guide you in identifying the next logical step in your project.

Another Question: “I don’t know if this is correct or good enough.”

Action: Rephrase this as: “Why am I unsure if this is correct?” or “What criteria should I use to evaluate if this is good enough?” This prompts you to either clarify the standards you need to meet or seek feedback from your teacher.

2. Starting with a Statement:

Statement: “I don’t know what to do.”

Action: Rephrase it as a question: “Why don’t I know what to do?” From here, you’ll be able to pinpoint what specific knowledge or action is missing, allowing you to take the next step confidently.

Another Statement: “This design isn’t working.”

Action: Rephrase as: “Why isn’t this design working?” This helps you identify the specific problem with your design—whether it’s the functionality, materials, or something else—and guides you towards a solution.


This post is about equipping you with tools that make you independent, creative, and resilient. When you understand how to get unstuck and keep moving forward, you’re learning how to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

These principles may seem simple, but they will take you far—giving you the confidence to explore, innovate, and solve problems without relying on someone else to tell you what to do. 

In design, as in life, the key is to act. And when you do, you’ll find that you can go further than you ever thought possible.

#DesignAndTechnology #CreativeProblemSolving #DesignThinking #Unstuck #StudentGuide #Innovation #DesignProcess #DesignTips #Resilience #DTSuccess #DesignEducation #IndependentLearning

21 September 2024

Elon Musk’s 5-Step Design Process in D&T Teaching

In Design & Technology (D&T) education, managing growing class sizes and increasingly complex student needs is crucial. Reflecting on the methods I developed for my students, I found they resonated closely with Elon Musk’s 5-Step Design Process. By incidentally applying these principles, I was able to streamline teaching, improve student work quality, and help students, many with autism, achieve higher outputs efficiently.

Step 1: Make the Requirements Less Dumb

Musk emphasizes questioning the validity of requirements. In D&T, that means ensuring every step in the design process is both necessary and clear to students. Traditionally, students begin their coursework with mind maps, but these often lead to unfocused results. To address this, I encouraged my students to focus only on activities within their own environments—home and school—where they have personal experience. This made it easier for them to identify relevant design challenges and conduct meaningful research.

I also refined their product research by cutting unnecessary steps, such as the ‘Minus’ component in the Plus, Minus, Interesting (PMI) method, allowing students to focus only on useful features and innovative design concepts.

Action for Teachers:

  • Encourage students to focus on design challenges within familiar environments like home and school.
  • Help students identify root causes of design problems using techniques like the 5 Whys.
  • Streamline product research by eliminating irrelevant steps, such as the ‘Minus’ component of PMI.
  • Ensure students focus on their functional design specifications, avoiding vague or overly broad topics.
  • Instruct students to write their design specifications clearly on each ideation sheet to stay on task.

Step 2: Try to Delete Part of the Process

Many students waste time on redundant sketches or unnecessary annotations. To streamline the process, I taught them to start with quick 2D sketches rather than 3D forms, reserving the latter for when more detail was needed. This simplified their visual communication and saved time.

A significant deletion was removing the ‘Minus’ section from PMI analysis, allowing students to focus on what matters—useful product features.

Action for Teachers:

  • Guide students to focus on 2D sketches first for quick exploration before moving on to 3D representations.
  • Eliminate unnecessary annotations by ensuring students focus only on critical design specifications.
  • Remove tasks that don’t add value to the design process, like the ‘Minus’ component in PMI analysis.
  • Encourage students to question if every step they take in the design process is truly necessary.
  • Simplify the prototyping phase by working with students to explore alternative materials and jointing methods that save time.

Step 3: Simplify or Optimize the Design

I taught my students to question each step in their design process. Every action they take must be justified, and they are encouraged to debate and ask questions before moving forward. This makes each remaining task critical and necessary. For example, not every student needs a mood board unless it serves a specific purpose in their project.

In the prototyping phase, I played a key role in guiding students through material choices, jointing methods, and finishing techniques, helping them see how alternatives could simplify their work and reduce production time without compromising on quality.

Action for Teachers:

  • Teach students to question each process in their design journey and ensure they are fully convinced before moving forward.
  • Ensure each student’s project is bespoke, with tailored requirements and steps that match their design direction.
  • Simplify complex tasks by offering alternative methods for materials, jointing, and finishes.
  • Help students identify alternative approaches that will reduce anxiety and improve their ability to manage tools and materials.

Step 4: Accelerate Cycle Time

I encouraged students to share their ideas in class, which not only helped them build confidence but also allowed them to learn from each other’s approaches. Even though they were working on independent projects, the cross-pollination of ideas led to faster progress for everyone.

To accelerate the ideation phase, I taught students to make quick iterations and test ideas early using physical models, enabling them to spot problems and fix them faster. This early testing prevents them from becoming overwhelmed by unnecessary edits later.

Additionally, I minimized distractions by banning handphones and other devices in the design studio, ensuring students remained focused. Each design session began with a review of completed work, and we collaboratively planned the next steps on a visual map. This helped students stay on track and maintain momentum.

Action for Teachers:

  • Foster a collaborative environment by encouraging students to share ideas and give feedback in class.
  • Minimize distractions by banning handphones and other devices from the design studio.
  • Begin each session with a visual roadmap to recap previous progress and plan the next steps as a class.
  • Allow students to provide input into their own design process, helping them feel involved and motivated to move forward.
  • Emphasize the importance of keeping designs simple to reduce complexity and improve manageability.
  • Encourage students to make quick iterations and test ideas early using models to "fail fast, learn fast."

Step 5: Automate (The Future)

While we haven’t fully automated the design process, I introduced a customized GPT for Design Journaling to help students who were ready for more independence. This AI tool doesn’t give answers but instead guides students with questions, helping them reflect on their decisions and think critically about their designs.

One student, after losing her entire journal, used the GPT to reproduce her work, which ended up surpassing that of her peers. The future of automation in D&T classrooms may lie in tools like this, where students can manage their projects with minimal teacher input, guided by AI.

As AI evolves, tools like GPT could play a more prominent role in managing larger classrooms by helping students independently work through complex tasks, freeing up teachers to focus on higher-level facilitation.

Action for Teachers:

  • Consider using AI tools like customized GPT to guide students through their design process, especially those ready for independent work.
  • Use AI not to provide answers but to help students reflect and think critically about their design decisions.
  • Explore potential areas where processes could be automated or streamlined to reduce teacher input and foster student autonomy.
Ai learning in D&T

Iterative Design Process

It’s important to emphasize that the design process is iterative. Students may need to revisit earlier stages, such as the design brief or specifications, and adjust or delete elements if new insights emerge. This iterative approach is key to maintaining a flexible and evolving project workflow.

Conclusion: Elevate Your D&T Classroom with Musk’s 5-Step Process

By adopting these strategies, D&T teachers can improve both the efficiency and quality of teaching and learning in their classrooms. From simplifying requirements to automating parts of the process, Elon Musk’s 5-step design process provides a roadmap for helping students produce higher-quality projects while reducing teacher burnout.

As we continue to refine these strategies and explore tools like AI, D&T teachers in Singapore and beyond can empower their students to take greater ownership of their work while ensuring that the design process remains efficient and impactful.

#DesignandTechnology #D&T #ElonMusk #EducationInnovation #StudentProjects #EfficiencyInTeaching #D&TStudents #SingaporeEducation #DesignProcess #AIInEducation

19 September 2024

Rapid Modeling: A Step-by-Step Guide for Design & Technology Students

In Design & Technology, creating a functional product involves a process of ideation, development, and prototyping. However, one key phase that can make or break the success of your project is rapid modeling

This approach allows you to quickly build, test, and improve your designs by finding problems early and solving them fast.

Elon Musk, the visionary behind SpaceX and Tesla, champions this method in his own work. His teams don’t aim to avoid problems—they expect them and learn from them. Musk’s philosophy is simple: "Test fast, fail fast, fix fast." 

This mindset is perfect for students working on Design & Technology projects, especially when dealing with limited time and basic materials like wood, plastic, and metals.

Let’s dive into how you can apply rapid modeling to your projects.

What is Rapid Modeling?

Rapid modeling is about building simple, rough versions of your design ideas as quickly as possible. The goal is not to create a perfect prototype but to test essential features early. This allows you to find problems before you’ve invested too much time in making the final product. 

Think of it as a loop: build, test, fix, and repeat.

Why is Rapid Modeling Important?

Elon Musk uses rapid modeling as part of his innovation strategy. His teams at SpaceX and Tesla test ideas quickly, discover problems early, and use these lessons to improve. Musk’s view on mistakes is clear: they are not failures but learning opportunities. In fact, he sees things like a rocket blowing up as part of the journey to making a better product.

In your Design & Technology projects, rapid modeling helps you:

  • Identify problems early before moving into the detailed development phase.
  • Save time by fixing issues before committing to the final design.
  • Learn by doing, which is key to improving your design thinking skills.

Steps to Apply Rapid Modeling in Your Project

  1. Start with a Simple Model
    Begin by building a basic version of your idea. Don’t worry about aesthetics—focus on the core functionality and structure. For example, if you're designing a chair, start with a rough frame to check if it can support weight.

  2. Test the Model
    After building, immediately test your model. Ask questions like:

    • Does it perform as expected?
    • Are the dimensions correct?
    • Is anything unstable or weak?
  3. Identify Problems
    Write down any issues that arise during the test. Are certain parts too weak? Are the dimensions wrong? Focus on finding problems early.

  4. Make Quick Changes
    Now, make small adjustments. If a part doesn’t fit well, modify it. If a joint is weak, try different ways to connect it. Rapid adjustments will help you test different solutions without wasting time.

  5. Iterate (Repeat the Process)
    Once you’ve made changes, test again. Did the fix work? If not, go back and repeat the process. Keep refining until the model works as expected. This iterative process is the core of rapid modeling.

  6. Refine the Model
    Once the major issues are solved, you can now focus on the finer details. Improve the model’s dimensions, and enhance the aesthetics as needed.

Learning from Elon Musk's Approach

Elon Musk has built billion-dollar companies using rapid testing and learning from failure. He emphasizes fast problem-solving and believes that making mistakes early leads to better outcomes. In Design & Technology, you can follow the same process to quickly turn your ideas into successful projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Rapid modeling is about testing early and fixing problems fast.
  • It saves time and helps you avoid costly mistakes later in the project.
  • The process is iterative—you build, test, fix, and repeat until you reach the desired result.
  • Elon Musk's approach to failing fast and learning from mistakes is a proven strategy for innovation.

By using rapid modeling, you can create better designs and improve your problem-solving skills, just like Elon Musk’s teams at SpaceX and Tesla. Try applying this approach to your next project and see how it helps you improve!

#DesignAndTechnology #RapidModeling #StudentProjects #ProblemSolving #ElonMusk #FailFast #DesignThinking #InnovativeLearning #DIYDesign #Prototyping #STEM