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25 February 2022

Ideas Generation and Development; How do they look like? Part 2 of 2: DEVELOPMENT

The first part of this Ideation and Development series I talked about Ideation; how do you know if you are Ideating and not Developing an idea. 

In this second series I talked about, of course, Development

Part 1 of 2 can be found here:

In both in the ideation and development phase of the design process you’ll get the opportunity to think of alternative ideas. And this is NOT an option even though you may think to do that, we are at the ideation phase, not development. 

Let me propose to you that in the development phase you will still need to generate possibilities, but this time, your end goal is different. In Ideation your end goal is to have options and alternative ideas or broad concept of a solution, of which you can choose the best - for development.

In this video, I chat about Development:

When you are at Development, you explore options, but you refine and fine-tune with the end goal of choosing the fastest, most efficient, the best way to make and to finish. The most suitable material and jointing method - and the quickest and cheapest and the easiest, etc. Without any compromise to the desired functionality and aesthetics.

In development your drawing style changes too. Sketches become more drawing like. More precision drawings. With dimensions. Technical drawings, view and section views start to populate the page rather than free flowing arty sketches. More presentation like drawings with bold outlines or extra emphasis, etc.

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