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14 January 2012

Definition: Amuse + Amused + Amusing + Amusement


1 to make someone laugh or smile:
He made funny faces to amuse the children.
The question seemed to amuse him in some way.

It amused me to think back to my life in London.
2 to make time pass in an enjoyable way, so that you do not get bored[= entertain]:
Doing jigsaws would amuse Amy for hours on end.
The kids amused themselves playing hide-and-seek.

1 if you are amused by something, you think it is funny and you smile or laugh
amused at/by
Ellen seemed amused by the whole situation.

I could see she was highly amused (=very amused).
The man looked a little amused.
He won't be very amused (=he will be annoyed) when he finds out what's happened to his garden.


keep somebody amused

to entertain or interest someone for a long time so that they do not get bored:
There were puzzles and games to keep the children amused.

funny and entertaining:
I don't find his jokes at all amusing.
a highly amusing (=very amusing) film

an amusing story/anecdote/incident etc
The book is full of amusing stories about his childhood.

mildly/vaguely amusing (=a little amusing, but not very)
a mildly amusing spectacle

1 [uncountable] the feeling you have when you think something is funny
with/in amusement
Her eyes sparkled with amusement.
She looked at him in amusement.

Steve couldn't hide his amusement.

to somebody's amusement (=in a way that makes someone laugh or smile)
They were dancing and singing in the car, much to the amusementof passers-by.

The cats are a constant source of amusement to us.


a) things that entertain you and make time pass in an enjoyable way:
childhood amusements
b) British English special machines or games that are intended to entertain people, for example at a fair:
The kids can ride on the amusements.
3 [uncountable] the process of getting or providing pleasure and enjoyment:
What do you do for amusement in this town?

definition source (with some modifications) via

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