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19 July 2024

Optimizing Your Learning with OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Perplexity


In the evolving landscape of education, leveraging AI tools can significantly enhance the learning experience. This guide focuses on using OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Perplexity to optimize your learning in Design & Technology (D&T).

Understanding the Tools: ChatGPT vs. Perplexity

OpenAI ChatGPT:

  • Function: A conversational AI model that provides interactive, targeted responses to user queries.
  • Usage: Ideal for deep, customized interactions and specific subject matter queries.


  • Function: An AI-powered search and answer engine that retrieves information from the web.
  • Usage: Great for quick answers and broad searches when ChatGPT's usage limit is reached.

Using OpenAI’s ChatGPT for Design & Technology

Most students and teachers will use the free version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Start with the customized D&T GPTs for focused support:

  1. D&T Mechanisms for Students
  2. D&T Electronics for Students
  3. D&T Structures for Students
  4. D&T Design Theory & Processes for Students

Switching to Perplexity When Limits Are Reached

When you hit the usage limit on OpenAI’s free ChatGPT, switch to Perplexity. This platform is an effective alternative for continuing your AI-powered learning and revision.

Recommended Prompt for Seamless Transition

To maintain continuity and effectiveness, use this prompt on both OpenAI ChatGPT and Perplexity:

“For the following conversations, everything will be related to the Secondary School GCE Design and Technology (D&T) subject in Singapore. You will act as my teacher, and I will ask you to show, teach, or guide me on the topics I choose. You will generate a short quiz to test my knowledge only when I request you to. Please present information in an easy-to-understand, concise, and ASD-friendly format, using point forms. Now I want to start with ...”


By following this guide, you can navigate between OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Perplexity to optimize your learning experience. Start with the custom-built D&T GPTs for focused support and switch to Perplexity when necessary, using the recommended prompt for a seamless transition. Happy learning!

#AI #Education #DesignAndTechnology #OpenAI #Perplexity #Learning #ChatGPT #D&T

1 comment:

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