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25 February 2022

Four Steps to Elaborate an Idea | Two Questions | One List | New Improved Idea(s)

The Ideas Generation phase is probably one of the most challenging phase in the design process. 

Just like if you get the initial design need wrong,  the whole project is practically rubbish. How you start your ideation will determine the quality of the end of Ideation.

A common problem a student have when at the Ideation phase is not knowing what to do next after they draw an idea. Especially when a great deal of effort had been spent thinking, critic, refine (ALL IN THE AIR) and then finally at the end of the dream, a highly detailed drawing becomes the first idea. In that piece of A3 paper; ONE idea is all you got. 

How can you elaborate on an idea once you have drawn the first one? 

Four Steps to Elaborate an Idea using a Note Holder Example

In this video I show you FOUR simple steps you can elaborate an idea beginning with two prompting questions. Use this strategy and never get stuck ever again. You might end up not being able to stop. Because before you were blank, now triggers appear from everywhere for new (improved) versions of the previous one(s).

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