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23 February 2022

Product Research (Analysis) using the PMI Method - Design & Coursework Chat with Mr Daniel

The Product Research (Analysis) activity using the P.M.I. method is one of the most frequently used strategy in Design and Technology Coursework Journaling. 

The three acronyms (P.M.I.) form Plus, Minus and Interesting makes it very easy to apply and analyse or study an existing product. In the video I break the P.M.I component down and suggests a more effective way to use the PMI by not considering the ‘M’ Minus of the PMI. You can but I’m say you need not. But if your teacher insists, then DO. It’s no big deal.

In the video I also try to explain the differences between Plus and Interesting. A little nuance I discovered which many students (and teachers) find VERY challenging to differentiate, and tell apart when they try to analyse or study an existing product using P.M.I.

What makes the product Good but not (yet) Interesting. I’ve noted the Good but I cannot find anything Interesting. This looks Interesting but I’ve already noted it as Good. HELP!

If this sounds like you, you cannot miss this CHAT on ‘Product Research (Analysis) using the P.M.I. (Plus, Minus, Interesting) Method ‘ on Design & Coursework Chat. Look out for the other videos in the playlist on Design Problem and Situations, and How you can use the 5Whys.

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